Tips For Staying Active & Motivated to Exercise Into Autumn
Autumn is a popular time of year for turning over a new leaf: maybe you feel it’s time to step up your fitness and exercise routine after the summer distractions of holidays, travel and lazy afternoons on the patio. However, if you are an outdoor enthusiast, you may find yourself less motivated to exercise at this time of the year, as the days grow colder and shorter.
Whichever camp you fall into, it’s important to keep up your motivation to reach or maintain fitness goals. Exercise is not just important to keep us strong and flexible and reduce the risk of disease; it also boosts our confidence and mood, and promotes better sleep. This all adds up to an enhanced quality of life. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated this autumn.
Set specific and achievable goals
If you just make a vague plan to do more exercise, the results will probably be sporadic and may have petered out altogether by Christmas. Instead, define your goals so you have a target to aim for. Create a schedule that is not too overwhelming at first, such as 30 minutes of exercise two days a week, or 20 minutes three days a week.
As you begin to feel the benefits of regular exercise, you may well find yourself with the energy and drive to workout more often. Factor in any potential disruptions, such as the half term holiday if you have kids, Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations, and of course the inevitable step up in social occasions as Christmas approaches.
It helps if you already have your routine in place before these days arrive, so that you can more easily alter exercise days and also keep going to counteract any unwanted weight gain from all those parties!
Prioritise preparation and recovery
It’s important to warm up properly and allow ourselves adequate recovery time as the weather cools to reduce the risk of injury and illness. Take five or ten minutes to do some dynamic stretching or gentle cardio exercise before launching into your routine. This will encourage better circulation and blood supply to the muscles, making you more flexible.
Pay attention to your hydration levels, because a shortage of fluids can make it harder for the muscles to function properly and can even cause cramp. If you are doing intensive exercise and are prone to sweating, consider using an electrolyte tablet to help you replenish your essential minerals and rehydrate more quickly.
Line up some indoor activities
If you have time to exercise during the day, the outdoors at this time of year can be wonderful, with crisp temperatures and rich autumnal colours all around. However, if you usually exercise before or after work, the colder and shorter days can be challenging. To combat the urge to hibernate on the sofa, plan some indoor activities.
This could be a yoga class, a seasonal gym membership, swimming, or even online fitness videos that you can follow with little or no equipment. However, it’s important to make sure that it’s an activity you genuinely enjoy, or chances are you won’t stick with it for very long.
Find strength in numbers
Going it alone can be hard, so find an exercise buddy or join a group for moral support and camaraderie. This will help you to get out the door even when you really would rather stay warm and cosy at home. You could even sign up for a fun run or charity event to keep you accountable to your goals.
Eat well
Make sure you give your body the right fuel with well balanced meals that are rich in nutrients. Try batch cooking at the weekend if you often find yourself short of time and tempted to dial for a takeaway during the week. Many of the benefits of your hard work and commitment will be lost if you overdo the junk food and consume too many sugary drinks.
If you struggle with your weight or eating well, try keeping a food diary of everything you eat and see if you can make some simple swaps. For example, could you exchange the biscuits with your morning coffee for a handful of nuts and raisins, or swap a sugary dessert for unsweetened yoghurt and berries?
Good nutrition and hydration are the foundation of being able to exercise safely and maintain stamina, so pay attention to everything you eat and drink.