Gym Bag Essentials To Boost Your Comfort And Performance
Without the right gear the quality of your workout will be diminished. Here’s a handy gym bag checklist to help you on your way to smashing your fitness goals.
Why Proper Hydration Is Key To Smashing Your Fitness Goals
An often overlooked element that can really help to raise your fitness game is proper hydration. This means paying close attention to your electrolyte balance.
Electrolytes: The Key To Powering Through The Festive Season
Here’s a look at how maintaining hydration and electrolyte levels can help you to power through the festive season and make sure that you are at your best.
Electrolytes: The Key To Powering Through The Festive Season
Here’s a look at how maintaining hydration and electrolyte levels can help you to power through the festive season and make sure that you are at your best.
Hangover Hacks To Try This Christmas (And A Few To Avoid)
Here are hangover remedies that have been used throughout the ages. It will make you glad that we now have game changing hacks such as electrolyte tablets.
Beat Colds & Flu: How Electrolytes Support The Immune System
One of the less well known factors in a healthy immune function is good hydration. Here’s a look at the role of electrolytes in supporting the immune system.
Dehydrated Vs. Dry Skin: How Can You Tell The Difference?
There is a distinction between chronically dry skin and dehydrated skin. Here’s a look at the key differences and how best to care for your skin in the autumn.
How Did A Cholera Pandemic Change Sports Hydration?
Electrolytes are at the centre of many hydration regimes, but the origins of this use can be found in attempts to treat a devastating 19th-century pandemic.
4 Self-Care Tips To Speed Up Recovery From Seasonal Flu
It’s impossible to keep ourselves 100 per cent protected from viruses. We can help ourselves to recover better from that inevitable bout of autumn cold or flu.
Tips For Staying Active & Motivated to Exercise Into Autumn
It’s important to keep up your motivation to stay fit into autumn, even as it can be more tempting to do less. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated.
Keeping Refreshed As A Fresher: Tips To Stay Hydrated At Uni
Some students may throw themselves into their new life with great energy, but if they don’t manage their hydration carefully enough, it can impact their health.
Sports Drinks Vs Rehydration Tablets: What's The Difference?
If you have an active lifestyle and are concerned about your hydration and energy levels, you may well have considered using sports drinks or hydration tablets.
How One Man’s Purposeful Dehydration Experiment Went Wrong
Proper hydration is essential for life and it is especially for sports, but the greatest proof of it came when an Olympic organiser tried to prove the inverse.
6 Hydration Mistakes To Avoid On A Long Distance Run
Here are some common distance running hydration mistakes you might be making, and how to avoid them. It’s much more than simply drinking when you feel thirsty.
Essential Tips For Healthy & Radiant Skin All Summer Long
Warmer weather can take a toll on our skin, so it’s important to give it extra TLC in summer. Here are some useful tips to keep your skin looking its best.
Tips For Keeping The Whole Family Well Hydrated On The Road
Here are some tips to help you manage your children’s fluid intake during travels, and to ensure that they are in peak condition to enjoy quality time together.
Leg Cramps At Night
Leg cramps can be especially unwelcomed when they strike when you're sleeping...
Essential Strategies To Avoid Dehydration When Travelling
The disruption to routine, dry aeroplane cabins, alcohol, or limiting drinks to minimise trips to the loo can make staying hydrated when travelling a challenge.
Essential Tips For Staying Safe & Hydrated During A Heatwave
While some people relish the warm weather, it can heighten health risks, especially dehydration and associated risks such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
What Hydration Challenges Do Older Marathon Runners Face?
Dehydration can be a particularly serious issue for older people. As we age, our bodies change and this can make it more difficult to efficiently store fluids.
Ground-Breaking London Marathon Will Have Equal Prize Money
The London Marathon this year will be a historic occasion for disabled competitors, as the winners will get an equal prize money to the able bodied winners.
Tips For Staying Hydrated During The Ramadan Fasting Month
The fasting during Ramadan month when no fluids or food are taken from dawn to dusk can present challenges in staying adequately hydrated. Here are some tips.
Fulfil Your True Potential With A Marathon Nutrition Plan
Running a marathon places extreme demands on the body. Here is useful information about maintaining nutrition and electrolyte levels for a great performance.
Five Common First-Time Marathon Hydration Mistakes to Avoid
One of the biggest challenges for new marathon runners is how to handle hydration. It’s crucial to get the balance right for a safe and successful performance.
The Essential Guide to Staying Well Hydrated During Fasting
People observing fasting need to pay careful attention to their hydration levels, because it is likely that they are losing more fluids than they are taking in.
Dos and Don’ts of Marathon Training: Top Tips for Success
If you are training for a marathon during the next few months, no doubt you will be aware that it takes stamina and endurance. Here are a few do’s and don’ts.
5 Top Tips For Stress Management
It’s important to be aware of stress and keep it down to manageable levels. This doesn’t have to involve mastering complex techniques. Here are some top tips.
The Benefits of Going Caffeine-Free
It can be easy to slip into the habit of consuming more coffee or energy drinks than is good for our wellbeing. Here’s some benefits of giving up caffeine.
The Importance Of Monday Workouts
It may be tempting to push your workout further down the week, but in fact working out on a Monday can do you the power of good. Here are a few reasons why!
5 Healthy Rewards For Hitting The Gym
We deserve some reward for our efforts at the gym to celebrate what we have achieved. Here are some enjoyable suggestions that won’t undo all your hard work!
Hydration Hacks To Try
Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and it’s essential to almost every bodily function. Here are some simple hydration hacks to help you keep on track.
Essential Tips To Kickstart Your Fitness Journey In 2024
If you are not used to taking regular exercise, settling into a new routine can be a daunting prospect. Here are some tips to help you on your fitness journey.
How Hydration Will Help You Meet Your New Year Fitness Goals
Many people will be attempting to put their best foot forward in the new year and set out to create a better them, but sports hydration is a big part of this.
Hangover ‘Cures’ To Avoid...And One That Actually Works
It can be tempting to try to cure your hangover with quirky hacks you may have heard of or seen floating around online. Here’s a quick myth-busting session!
How To Combat Winter Hydration For Healthy Glowing Skin
The winter can be a tough time for our skin as there is less humidity in the air and we are more exposed to indoor heating. Here’s how to protect your skin.
Top Tips For Staying Happy And Hydrated This Festive Season
We may be on the eve of party season, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your usual standard of wellbeing for the sake of getting into the spirit.
Debunking Some Common Dehydration Myths
Staying adequately hydrated may be a simple matter of drinking enough fluids, but there are a surprising number of myths and misconceptions around the topic.
What Are The Hidden Dangers Of A Hangover?
Drinking too much can lead to a pounding headache, nausea, thirst, fatigue, and a more anxious and irritable mood than usual. There are also hidden dangers.
Why Staying Well Hydrated Will Keep Your Skin In Good Shape
To keep our complexion looking healthy it’s important to follow a good skincare routine. The biggest factor in maintaining youthful skin is staying hydrated.
102-Year-Old Completes Half-Marathon!
The annual Great North Run took place this year amid a sweltering September heatwave, and medics issued extra warnings to the participants to stay hydrated.
How To Deal With A Dose Of Freshers’ Flu
It’s almost time for students to return to university after the long summer break, and that can mean that they are exposed to a whole range of bugs and viruses.
How To Help Your Kids Cope With A Hot Holiday Destination
The prospect of flying off somewhere hot and sunny is exciting, but if you have young children it’s important to make sure they can cope with the conditions.
How To Keep The Whole Family Happy And Hydrated This Summer
Even when you know it’s a good idea, keeping up the fluid intake of kids who are far more interested in playing can be a challenge. Here are a few top tips!
How To Survive When Your Child Has A Vomiting Virus
Sickness bugs are not usually very serious and will clear up in a couple of days, but it’s important to make sure that young children do not become dehydrated.
How To Protect Kids From Dehydration In Hot Weather
Young children are particularly prone to dehydration during hot weather, and they need some extra care and attention. Here are some useful tips to bear in mind.
How Much Water Should You Drink While Exercising?
When the weather is warmer and we are also exercising, we lose more fluids and minerals through our sweat. Therefore it is important to stay well hydrated.
Tips For Staying Cool And Hydrated On Summer Walks
It’s essential to replace lost fluids when exercising in hot weather to avoid becoming dehydrated. Here are some tips for staying safe on hot weather walks.
What Are The Dangers Of Low Electrolyte Levels?
Electrolytes are minerals that occur naturally in the body and the food we eat. Here’s a look at what electrolytes do and what happens when levels are depleted.
What Holiday Destinations Have The Highest Sickness Rates?
The worst destinations for getting sick have been revealed but those who fall ill can take ORS hydration tablets to speed up recovery and enjoy their holiday.
What To Pack In Your Holiday First Aid Kit?
Don’t forget, if you’re somewhere hot, you will feel dehydrated anyway, and diarrhoea or sickness will make this ten times worse, so it is essential to rehydrate yourself as much as possible to feel well again.
How To Properly Prepare For Running A Marathon
Marathons are no easy feat and take a lot of planning and preparation before you are able to complete one safely and without causing any harm or injury.
Top Tips On Curing A Bank Holiday Hangover
To avoid suffering from a horrible hangover on your extra day off work over the bank holidays, take rehydration tablets, get plenty of sleep, eat and exercise.
Is Sickness In Children Always A Stomach Bug?
Not all bouts of sickness, which can be eased with ORS hydration tablets, are due to stomach bugs, and they may be the result of food poisoning or allergies.
The History Of The Revived Historic Marathon
Marathons are the ultimate test of endurance, requiring training, resilience and rehydration tablets to survive, but one historic race is a bigger challenge.
Why Staying Hydrated During The Summer Is So Important
During the summertime temperature rise and it is therefore even more important to make sure you are drinking enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
How Do Electrolytes Help Kids When They’re Ill?
Electrolyte tablets can help children and adults to feel better and recover faster, and to understand why we need to know why dehydration makes us feel worse.
The importance of hydration during marathon training
Hydration has three important roles in marathon training; preparation, performance and recovery. Read on to find out more.
How Hydration Tablets Help You Recover From Illness
It is no fun being ill, so once you start to get better you will want to recover as quickly as possible. Hydration tablets can have a big role to play.
What To Do 24 Hours Before The London Marathon
From ensuring you pack rehydration tablets for after the race to choosing the right set of shoes here is what you need to do the day before the London Marathon.
37 Questions with Ledley King
Spurs legend takes us on a tour of The incredible Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and takes a shot at answering 37 unexpected questions.
Spurs Nutritionist explains O.R.S benefits
Emma tester, Spurs Nutritionist, delves into the benefits of hydration and the science behind hydration for performance. Explaining why Spurs players use O.R.S Hydration before, during, and after training to perform at their max and recover quickly so they’re ready to go again.
It comes as no surprise that flying is one of the most popular and convenient ways to get around...
Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is an important aspect of day to day life, however it is often something we neglect...
Post-Workout Recovery
Are you hitting the gym? You may want to consider the importance of the post-workout recovery period...
How to Cure a Hangover
Hangovers occupy a special place in the mythology of drinking – they’re the inevitable consequence of a good time, the dark shadow cast by a fun night out...
Dehydration during pregnancy
Many expecting mothers face a level of dehydration. Dehydration is the result of the body losing water faster than the one taking in...
Electrolyte Replacement
Electrolytes are vital for your body to work at its best. Hard work, whether it’s exercise or labour, drains your electrolyte reserves and that leads to a reduced ability to perform at your best...
Staying hydrated whilst on holiday can prevent your trip from being ruined...
Whether you’re heading to the gym, working in the garden, or sitting and working at an office job, hydration is something you have to be aware of...
The Hangover Kit
If you enjoy a good night out, you may well be familiar with the unpleasant aftermath of too much drinking: the hangover...
How to Prevent a Hangover
As far as hangovers are concerned, the old saying is true: an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure...
The Importance of Hydration
Whether you run short distances or you regularly run huge marathons, having electrolyte balance and being sufficiently hydrated is of paramount importance...
How To Perform A Dehydration Test
During dehydration your body experiences a drop in salt, glucose and potassium levels....
What Is The Best Cure For A Hangover?
Have you ever laid in bed, the light was shining in through the window; you’re extremely thirsty for a glass of water, but had absolutely no appetite for food?
What Are Electrolytes?
After exercise (or illness!) you’ve probably picked up a sports drink that promises to replace your electrolytes...
Best Rehydration Methods
Every once in a while we find ourselves dehydrated. It is in such times that we should know how to rehydrate ourselves...
Hydration For Cyclists
Any physical exercise, such as cycling, means that we end up expelling water from our bodies...
Everything You Need To Know – Dehydration and Diarrhoea
To perform our best, our body requires the correct internal balance of water. Therefore, we need to avoid dehydration at all costs...
5 Easy Ways To Hydrate This Winter And Why
The weather is chilly and the days are darker, while the season of feasting and spending time with loved ones is behind us...
How to stay hydrated without relying on water
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; you need to stay hydrated to ensure you’re performing at your best...
What the colour of your urine says about you
From dehydration to diabetes, the colour of your pee can tell you a lot about what’s going on in your body...
5 ways to stay hydrated every day
Water makes up around 60% of the average adult’s body, so it’s vital to your wellbeing that you stay well hydrated...
Is your child getting enough to drink? Here’s all you need to know about hydration.
Feel like your child isn’t telling you that they are thirsty or a little hot? This is because children have immature thirst mechanisms, and often don’t recognise when they are thirsty...
7 hydration myths you need to stop believing
Struggling to drink eight glasses of water a day? Want to find out the truth about hydration? Read on to find out why everything you believe about hydration could be wrong…
10 Signs You Are Not Hydrated Enough
Keeping hydrated is key to a healthy body and mind, to keep our performance levels up, and to enable us to handle the daily grind...
Why O.R.S Should Always Be In Your Hand Luggage
A wise person once wrote, you should focus on the journey, not the destination. Alas, when it comes to staying hydrated, you need to do both...
Why O.R.S Hydration Are The Perfect Addition To Any Workout
O.R.S is a natural electrolyte which uses science to accurately provide athletes with electrolytes, minerals and vitamins which are lost during exercise...
Seven times when water isn’t enough
Keeping hydrated is essential and water is not the only part of the solution....