Why O.R.S Should Always Be In Your Hand Luggage


A wise person once wrote, you should focus on the journey, not the destination. Alas, when it comes to staying hydrated, you need to do both. Especially if you’re jumping on a long-haul flight to tropical climes.


Keep reading for our tips on how to avoid dehydration when you’re cruising at 10,000 feet…unfortunately, you’ll have to contend with the dodgy food and jet lag on your own.

Why Do You Get Dehydrated On A Plane?

Why does flying make you feel a bit rubbish? Aside from the limited leg room and the screaming kids, it’s probably because you’re dehydrated.


Air conditioning is great for keeping you cool when you’re wedged between other passengers, but the moisture-free surroundings can also take a toll on your body.


According to recent research, your body can be deprived of up to 1.5 litres of water on a three-hour flight. What’s more, with humidity levels as low as 4% there’s also the potential for the mucous membranes in your nose, mouth and throat to dry out. For context, the average humidity in your home or office is around 30%- 60%, and even the Sahara desert averages around 10%-20%.


Couple these low humidity levels with dry air, low cabin pressure, a lack of water and complimentary alcohol and it’s not really surprising that your mouth and skin feels dry in the cabin!

How To Stop Feeling Dehydrated On A Plane

The average adult is approximately 70% water so we need to keep ourselves hydrated in order to feel alert and healthy. This is really important when you’re travelling as you don’t want to let the effects of dehydration, such as headaches and stomach ulcers, ruin your trip.


So how do you avoid dehydration on a plane? First, you need to make sure you’re drinking enough water. We know you might want to avoid disturbing the stranger in the aisle seat for your frequent trips to the toilet, but avoiding that momentary awkwardness is not worth the risk of dehydrating your body.


Having a glass of wine or two on the plane can help you relax, but diuretics (i.e. drinks that make you pee more often) like alcohol, coffee and tea can make you feel more dehydrated. If you don’t want to say no that gin and tonic or cappuccino, ask for a glass of water to help balance out your drink.

Carry A Tube of O.R.S In Your Cabin Luggage

Water is great, but it isn’t always enough to give your body what it needs. O.R.S tablets won’t just hydrate you, they’ll also replenish the electrolytes in your body so that your digestive, cardiac, nervous and muscular systems have everything they need to keep working smoothly.


We recommend adding an O.R.S tablet or two to a glass of water every couple of hours when you’re flying. Don’t be shy, make sure you ask the flight attendants to keep filling your glass.


Stay Hydrated When Your Feet Touch The Ground

If you’re heading somewhere hot this summer, it’s important to replenish the water you lose when you sweat. Keeping hydrated won’t just make you feel better and help you enjoy your holiday more: it’s also really important for your health.


Carrying a reusable bottle filled with water on you and having a tube of O.R.S in your bag will help you stay hydrated wherever your travels take you.