Why Proper Hydration Is Key To Smashing Your Fitness Goals

It’s almost the end of the year, and you might be taking the time to review your health and fitness. A festive season of indulgence and disruption to usual routines can trigger the desire to do better for ourselves over the coming 12 months. It’s the traditional time to set new fitness goals and maybe review our diets.
You may be planning to join a gym, take up running or join a yoga class. Perhaps you will resolve to cut down on ultra processed foods and eat more fruit and fibre. However, one often overlooked element that can really help to raise your game is proper hydration. This doesn’t just mean drinking more water, but paying attention to your electrolyte balance.
What Are Electrolytes And Why Do They Matter?
Electrolytes are minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. The main electrolytes are magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride. Crucially, they play a key role in maintaining the correct fluid balance in your body. If you become dehydrated, it can take a long time to fully recover simply by drinking water.
This is because we lose electrolytes through bodily fluids such as sweat, breath, and urine, so when we are dehydrated levels become depleted. This is why athletes often take an electrolyte tablet to help them recover from a big event or tough training session. They can also be used to aid recovery from a bout of flu, sickness, or a hangover.
How Electrolytes Can Help You Towards Improved Fitness
When we exercise, we sweat more than usual because this is the body’s natural way of cooling down. As electrolyte levels drop, there is the risk of experiencing confusion, dizziness, nausea, headaches, irregular heartbeat, and muscle weakness and cramping.
These symptoms will naturally impact on your ability to exercise, and can even be a serious threat to your health. You may find that your energy levels dip midway through a gym session, and you are unable to put in your best effort and therefore will take longer to see the results you are looking for.
If you experience any muscle cramps, this could be due to low levels of sodium and potassium. Dehydration can also impair mental focus and resilience, making it more difficult for you to push through tough challenges, so you will find it hard to make any significant progress and smash those fitness goals.
How To Optimise Your Hydration And Be The Boss Of Your Fitness
Start Off On The Right Foot
Plan your hydration on workout days so that you are starting out right. Drink a glass of water soon after getting up, and about 30 minutes before your workout. Drink moderate amounts more frequently rather than downing a large glass of water in one sitting, because our bodies are not equipped to handle a large influx of fluids and most of it will pass through as urine.
Take A Water Bottle
If your workout lasts longer than 45 minutes or you are in a warm environment, take a water bottle with you so you can top up on the go. Remember that if you are thirsty, this is already a sign that you are dehydrated, so take small regular sips of water even if you do not feel parched.
Always listen to your body as you are working out for signs of dehydration. Obviously thirst and a dry mouth are a big red flag, but fatigue, muscle cramps, tiredness and headache are other potential signs.
Make A Proactive Recovery
You will recover faster if you have a routine in place. If you sweat intensely during exercise, an electrolyte tablet will help to restore your fluid balance and energy levels much more efficiently. Simply dissolve the tablet in a glass of water. You can also use them before and during particularly demanding training sessions to boost your performance.
Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine as this will impair your recovery. Instead, have a healthy meal or snack with a good balance of lean protein, wholegrains, and fresh vegetables.