Tips For Keeping The Whole Family Well Hydrated On The Road

If you are travelling with children this summer, no doubt many memorable and exciting adventures lie ahead. However, ensuring the health and wellbeing of the whole family while you are on the road can be a challenge. Many minor ailments such as headaches, cramps and general grogginess can be avoided with some simple hydration hacks.

Here are some tips to help you manage your children’s fluid intake during this busy time, and to ensure that they are in peak condition to enjoy your precious quality time together to the max. 

Why Are Children More Prone To The Effects Of Dehydration?

Children have a higher surface area to body weight ratio, meaning that they lose water more quickly through their skin than adults. This means that in hotter climates they are less heat tolerant, and can easily become dehydrated and may not be aware of the risks that this can bring. 

The smaller body size of children also means that they are unable to hold the same amount of water reserves as adults, making them more vulnerable to the effects of dehydration. Kids are often more physically active than adults, running around and playing while we might be more inclined to recline in the sun…this means that little ones can get thirsty fast.

Furthermore, kids are often simply too busy and absorbed in what they are doing to think about stopping for a drink, or they do not recognise the signals of thirst. Very small children may not yet have the skills to communicate their thirst to adults, and this can lead to escalating problems of dehydration and even the risk of heatstroke.

Tips For Parents To Help Kids Hydrate

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, children should drink about six to eight glasses of fluid per day. This may vary depending on the weather conditions, levels of physical activity, age, body size and gender. Formula-fed babies may need extra water to top them up in between feeds if the weather is hot. The water should be boiled and cooled first.

Children should have access to fluids throughout the day so that they can drink small amounts on a regular basis, rather than downing large volumes of water in one go. They should preferably have drinks that do not contain free sugars to mitigate the risk of tooth decay and weight gain.

Carry reusable water bottles with you on your journey. If you are venturing into hot climes, look for insulated bottles that will keep chilled drinks cool. Alternatively you could opt for a bottle with a wide neck so that ice cubes can easily be added. 

Another good trick for hot weather hydration is to place your water bottles in the freezer for a couple of hours before you go out, and then the water gradually melts and keeps cool for a few hours. If you are on the road, plan regular breaks in your journey to ensure that everyone has a chance to stretch their legs and take a proper drink.

Eat For Hydration

Pack hydrating snacks such as water-rich fruit including watermelon, peaches, nectarines, citrus fruit and strawberries, and salad or sandwiches with plenty of cucumber, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes and celery. If your children are not keen on plain water, add a slice of fruit to their drink to give it some flavour, rather than offer them sugary drinks.

Actively Monitor Hydration Levels

Encourage your children to take an active role in monitoring their hydration by setting digital reminders on phones or smart watches, or even giving them a simple sticker chart to fill in every time they drink water.

Make sure that you lead by example and hydrate sensibly yourself, making good choices with your food and the type of fluids that you consume. Start as you mean to go on, and make sure the whole family consumes at least two glasses of fluid two to three hours before you set out on an adventure.

Extra Considerations For Active Kids

If you have very sporty and active kids who never seem to tire even in the warmest conditions, it may be worth investing in some rehydration tablets that are formulated especially for children. These are available in kid-friendly flavours and can easily be dissolved in water bottles for use on the go.

They contain electrolytes to replace essential vitamins and minerals that are lost through sweat, and help the body to rehydrate more efficiently.