Sports Hydration

Why Do Sports Teams Use Hydration Tablets?
You loose strength, you lose speed, you’re in a greater risk of injury. Hydration is vital to performing well week in and week out...

How Did A Cholera Pandemic Change Sports Hydration?
Electrolytes are at the centre of many hydration regimes, but the origins of this use can be found in attempts to treat a devastating 19th-century pandemic.

Fulfil Your True Potential With A Marathon Nutrition Plan
Running a marathon places extreme demands on the body. Here is useful information about maintaining nutrition and electrolyte levels for a great performance.

Dos and Don’ts of Marathon Training: Top Tips for Success
If you are training for a marathon during the next few months, no doubt you will be aware that it takes stamina and endurance. Here are a few do’s and don’ts.

The Importance Of Monday Workouts
It may be tempting to push your workout further down the week, but in fact working out on a Monday can do you the power of good. Here are a few reasons why!